Inventory Control Management

A good enough Inventory Control Management can save business money or can increase business profits, if any one ask me this question my answer YES for sure. Now the question is “How”?
As I do and show to the business a strong Inventory Control Team can bring below values;  
1.      Reduce Waste Costs
2.      Reduce Storage Costs
3.      Maximize Sales
4.      Free Up Cash
5.      Increase Sales
6.      Improve Productivity
To get those value Inventory Control Team should perform below;
1.      Real-Time Inventory Tracking- If say garments! Very few team can do this, but it is mandatory for business, we are lucky enough to have real time inventory data for our Warehouse Automation and strong inventory control team.  
2.      Inventory Reports and Analytics- Every Management should have live inventory and should have analysis power to use it.
3.      Performs Stock Counts- Stock counts are an essential part of the inventory management process. A strong inventory management system will enable to take counts, helping to keep track of all inventory with data accuracy. We are doing twice a year, YOU?
4.      Stock Projections-Inventory management systems with projections can help managers and business owners get a better idea of much stocks are likely to need in certain time frames. Base on those information Purchase team can buy stock in a levels that will enable to cover anticipated demand without having too much leftover or over holding. #garments #business #team #warehouse #management # #inventory #supplychain #manufacturing
#InventoryControl #WarehouseManagement #WarehouseAutomation #AutomatedWarehouse #automation