
Inventory management
#dataanalytics #dataanalysis #data #dataisbeautiful #Dataispower #datadrivendecisions
Data is power because it has the potential to provide valuable insights, drive informed decision-making, and enable various advancements in technology, science, business, and society. Here are some key reasons why data holds such power: Information and insights: Data, when properly collected, organized, and analyzed, can reveal patterns, trends, and correlations that were previously hidden....
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Inventory management, Stock control, Supply chain management, Warehouse management, Materials management, Just-in-time inventory, ABC analysis, Inventory tracking, Reorder point, Safety stock, Stockout, Economic order quantity, Vendor management, Inventory Data Accuracy, Inventory turnover, Cycle counting, RFID inventory control, Barcode inventory control, Cost of goods sold, Lead time
Inventory control refers to the process of managing and regulating the flow of goods in a business. It involves keeping track of inventory levels, monitoring sales trends, and determining when and how much to order. Effective inventory control can help businesses reduce costs, improve customer service, and increase profits. In this article, we will discuss...
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Akash Mahamud
The top 5 key elements of leadership is Discipline, Support, Creativity, Insight, and Values others With these elements, anyone can inspire and motivate others to achieve the goal. What is leadership? It is an action to lead a group of people or an organization A good leader should have his own responsibility, Able to contribute,...
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Akash Mahamud
আজকাল অনেক কোম্পানির মালিকেরা অটোমেটেড ওয়্যারহাউজ করার কথা ভাবছেন। আজকে ও একটা কোম্পানি ED র সাথে কথা হয়েছে, আমি প্রশ্ন করেছিলাম১| আপনি ইনভেন্টরি ম্যানেজমেন্ট কিভাবে কন্ট্রোল করেন?২| আপনার ইনভেন্টরি হোল্ডিং পিরিয়ড কত?উত্তরঃ১| আমরা কোনো সফটওয়্যার ইউস করিনা।২| ইনভেন্টরি হোল্ডিং পিরিয়ড ১৫ দিন।আমার পরের প্রশ্ন, আপনার ডেইলি কনজাম্পশন কত?উত্তরঃ মাক্সিমাম ৫০ টন ডেইলি।আমার পরের প্রশ্ন১| আপনার...
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Inventory Control Management
A good enough Inventory Control Management can save business money or can increase business profits, if any one ask me this question my answer YES for sure. Now the question is “How”?As I do and show to the business a strong Inventory Control Team can bring below values;  1.      Reduce Waste Costs2.      Reduce Storage Costs3.      Maximize Sales4.      Free Up...
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Inventory management or a inventory control manager is a materials specialist for a industries, specially who we are working in ready made garments sector,   Materials specialists make sure the right material is used for the right job and may be involved in developing, selecting or evaluating materials for specialist uses. Materials specialists can be involved in research and development or production...
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